Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Webinars and Online Engagement


Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)

PBIC is a clearinghouse for information and resources on pedestrian and bicycle planning and related topics, funded by the USDOT and NHTSA. PBIC offers regular webinar series, an archive of previously recorded webinars, and links to webinars offered by partner organizations. Webinar links and other information can also be delivered directly via email by signing up for their newsletter.

Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP)

APBP offers professional development webinars every third Wednesday of the month at 2:00 pm CT unless otherwise noted. The one-hour webinars provide concise, thorough information on state-of-the-art pedestrian and bicycle topics. While there are fees to participate for members and non-member alike, an unlimited number of people may attend at one site, and most presentations offer credit for professional certification. Currently, Great Rivers Greenway hosts the monthly webinars for those in the St. Louis area.

America Walks

America Walks hosts webinars and online trainings that bring speakers, resources, and case studies to the America Walks network and celebrate the passion and hard work of communities across the nation to create safe, accessible, equitable, and enjoyable places for all to walk and be active.

Safe Routes Partnership

Safe Routes Partnership webinars feature staff and advocates, Safe Routes to School program staff, government officials, elected leaders, and others from around the country sharing their knowledge and learning on a diverse range of topics.

National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)

NACTO hosts a variety of events, both national and local, including webinars and Digital Design Charettes. Some of these are open to the public, but many limit participation to member cities.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC)

RTC provides a free webinar series designed to help professionals build, grow, manage, maintain, promote or otherwise support trails and trail networks.



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