Briefings: New Available Grants Form

As a service to our local governments, East-West Gateway posts current grant opportunities provided by outside agencies. These listings are updated weekly.

To submit new grant availability, please submit this form by 12:00 PM on Thursday for inclusion in that week’s edition.

  • Note: fields marked with an "*" are required fields.

  • Please select which Agency is soliciting the grant:
  • If "Other" was selected, please enter the Funding Agency:
Local Government Briefings

Published by EWG, Local Government Briefings is a weekly email newsletter that serves as the St. Louis region’s source for local government information, resources, news, and job listings. You can sign up here to receive the newsletter and check out current and recent editions here.


If you have questions about our weekly newsletter or East-West Gateway in general, please contact EWG staff by phone at (314) 421.4220 or (618) 274.2750 or email at