EV Service Patrol Vehicle Operations Functional Area


'EV Service Patrol Vehicle Operations' provides on–board processing and communications to service patrol vehicles that reduce response times and improve safety of responding personnel. It supports service patrol vehicle dispatch and provides incident information back to the dispatching center.

Included In

Missouri DOT Motorist Assist Patrol Vehicles
Illinois DOT Expressway Patrol Vehicles (EPVs)
St Louis County Police Vehicle
Fire and Rescue Vehicles (County and Local)
St Louis County Emergency Vehicle
St Louis Metropolitan Police Vehicle
Local Police Vehicle
Missouri SHP Vehicle

Functional Requirements

01The service patrol vehicle shall track its current location.
02The service patrol vehicle shall send the vehicle's location and operational data to the center for dispatch.
03The service patrol vehicle shall receive incident details and a suggested route when dispatched to a scene.
04The service patrol vehicle shall send the current en route status (including estimated time of arrival) and requests for emergency dispatch updates.
05The service patrol vehicle shall provide the personnel on–board with dispatch information, including incident type and location, and forward an acknowledgment from personnel to the center that the vehicle is on its way to the incident scene.
06The service patrol vehicle shall update the center with status of an incident response including the nature of the incident, e.g. flat tire, gas, minor accident.
07The roadway service patrols vehicle shall monitor roads and aid motorists, offering rapid response to minor incidents (flat tire, accidents, out of gas).